Tuesday, 29 October 2013

Week 1 – “The Taveller”, by John Twelve Hawks

Week 1- “The Traveller”, by John Twelve Hawks - 12.08.2013

It is the first book in John Twelve Hawks’s Trilogy by the name of “Fourth Realm Trilogy”.
The story is set in the modern times, (more in the near future) and depicts the world society as it stands nowadays but under the ever watchfull eyes of a secret organisation who reffer to themselves as “The Bretheren”- aka “The Tabula” as far as their enimies are concerned. This organisation seeks to control the world (behind the scenes) and keep tabs on everyone and everything, through a web of vídeo survailence cameras, sophysticated software programs that record everyone’s moves, manipulating of polititions and other organisations, creathing thus, what they reffer to as a Virtual Panopticon were all the individuals in a society will live in a type of prison, but an invisable one. A prison of fear that will drive people to allways act a certain way because they will believe they are always being watched at all times even if they are not.

There are people though who can brake free from their erthy Shell (body) and travel to other rehlms. They are called Travellers. There are people who have sworn to protect these travellers, named Harlequins. Harlequins train hard throughout their lives for this purpose. They have no attachments to anything, not even their names.

This book is about one Harlequin in particular, called Maya and her quest to find two brothers thought to be Travellers, they are the sons of the last known Taveller Mathew Corrigan.
The book is a page turner and I found mayself continuasly wanting to know what happens next :D
Can’t wait the read the second book.

John Twelve Hawks – American writer

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